Tuesday, June 21, 2011

If I Go Crazy, Then Will You Still.....

What is in the nature of women that makes us so forgiving towards men?

How easily we allow ourselves to be open to a man that has taken advantage of our kindness and vulnerability when in reality, we received nothing in return. In the back of our minds, we know that he isn't good for us, and have accepted that fact. Nevertheless, it's the same pattern. We wake up with the resolution to completely rid him from our lives, and try to do so through deleted phone numbers and tossing shared memorabilia. Yet, no matter how hard you try to get rid of him, no matter how many times you tell yourself that "I can do better," he stays permanently tattooed on your mind and heart. What's worse is though you've endured sleepless nights and tear-filled mornings writhing in pain from what he's said or done, you'll be right there with open arms to welcome him back as soon as he says "Baby, I'm sorry. I want you. I need you."

Would he do the same if it was the other way around?

We shouldn't be so quick to pass judgments as to why one friend keeps messing with "that one dude," or spend time trying to comprehend why the other friend keeps "running back to him." I have yet to find a woman who hasn't met her Kryptonite, and those who have are sometimes scared to admit it because they don't want to appear naive or too forgiving. Fear not woman, because I can almost guarantee you are not alone.

Just keep waiting on Superman.

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