Thursday, February 3, 2011

Every Time I Turn Around...

When it comes to men, I can say that I've met a wide and varied group. I'm only 24 years old, so of course I haven't been on the dating scene that long, but thus far I've encountered the following:

- The Liar
- The Momma's Boy
- The Starstruck Lover
- The Wannabe Rapper
- The Drug Dealer
- The Artist
- The Party Promoter
- The Athlete
- The Greek
- The Minister-in-Training
- The Foreigner
- The Bum
- The Stalker
- The Police Officer
- The Preacher's Kid
- The Gospel Singer

NOW. This is a list of the types I've met dating back to my high school years up until now. They're either men I've dated, talked to on the phone, or barely texted. In most cases, some of these categories overlapped. In any case, as extreme as some of the titles may be, they each played a very significant role in my life. Many have made me cry myself to sleep. Others irritated me beyond belief. Some angered me to the point where I felt a strong disdain blossoming for them in the very depths of my soul. But looking back at those experiences, they taught me what to avoid and what to do should I consider the start of relationship with someone new...


I continue to make the same choices. It seems that no matter how picky I am, or how "open-minded" to trying something new, I still fail. Several times in the past 3 years, I've allowed myself to be vulnerable to three men, each VERY different from the other. But they've all disappointed me, and consequently, hurt me. Sadly, the last situation happened only yesterday. It's usually easy for me to be "on to the next one," but the fact of the matter is I poured a lot of emotion and energy into these 3 relationships, and got nothing in return. If I had to fault them, I would say they set it up to be something when it really wasn't. (I touched on one instance in a previous blog) So here's where I come in...

I eagerly fed into their words as if I never heard them before. As if they didn't regurgitate the words of previous men. I'd become the one starry-eyed, needy, and blinded by the possibility that I finally found someone. For me, finding somoene who I view myself compatible with is rare, and so when it happens, I get my hopes up. I'm human, what can I say?

One day, the right person will come along. It's no rush however. I'm just glad I got to the point where, unlike most people, I'm able to take responsibility for my choices and actions. I won't completely discount the fact that my heart was dragged along on a string, nor the fact that these men took advantage of the 110% effort I put into our "relationship." There are worse things happening in life.

But love, man, what a game. What a game.....

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