Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'

I'm pretty sure the whole 'eye for an eye' principle doesn't apply to disclosing personal matter.

If you feel the need to confide in someone or disclose something from your past and/or present, you are more than welcome to. But don't expect it to be reciprocated. Why are you bartering in friendship?

You may have someone that you've been friends with for years and still not know everything about that person. It doesn't make them less of a friend. For me, it was better to learn and share things as a friendship grew. I liken it to watching a never-ending movie and slowly seeing the story unfold. You gradually come to understand the main character better and the people and events that shaped them. There was no need to put the climax or life-changing moments at the very beginning. The same goes for relationships. I have been on dates where a man felt it necessary to share everything from crazy ex-girlfriends to their battle with irritable bowel syndrome. I was like:

I'm a private person, and I pick and choose what I want to share with people. The postings in this blog, for instance, are only a small percentage of my life story. While I don't believe people have to adopt my view on how they should handle business pertaining to their personal life, I would caution against who you open up to. There are leeches disguised as friends or acquaintances who pry at your personal life for entertainment/gossip purposes...and yes, I had to find that out the hard way.

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