Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day, Don't Let it Get Away...

Thoughts for December 9th:

* My nephew turned 17 today. WTF did time go? I was just changing this kid's diapers. O__O
* A new crush. Not doing anything about it tho, I just think he's attractive. And he has the nerve to be from North Carolina (my Dean should find that hilarious.) Speaking of my Dean...
* My hair looks FABULOUS today! It's amazing how a hair appointment can make finals week that much easier. And speaking of finals...
* Praise Him, today is my LAST day of class. I can't boast about successfully completing my first semester in grad school yet. Not until exams are done.
* Getting excited my Chicago NYE trip! I bought my dress today too. It's true that patience is a virtue. It was originally $80 dollars when I spotted it in the store. The purchase price? $25. :-)
* Just got word about another baby carriage in the picture...not for me though! Sheesh...
* I will be painting my accent wall this weekend. Better yet, I'll just offer my Dad food and beer and have him do. What? I have work to do.
* LOVE. MY. NEW. GLASSES. Both pairs.
* A certain of friend of mine is being shady. Iduntlikeit.
* Funniest FB stat of the day:

NEW FACEBOOK GAME!!! Inbox me your credit card number with 3 digit security code and expiration date, and I will post to my status what I purchased with it...This will be FUN!!! Start Now !!!! Had to take this one,lol

El fin.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO @ North Carolina and I am sooooo glad I can help ease your stress
