Sunday, February 12, 2012

Get Off The Corner

"Get Off The Corner" is one of my favorite Lil' Wayne song. As matter of fact, I was listening to it the other day an-

Annnnnnnd scene.

By the title of this blog, I meant that lately, people have been on their little, decrepit soapbox on the corner, yelling nonsense through bullhorn when no one wants or cares to listen. Why? Most of the time, it is in an attempt to prove something. Who makes the most money, who's the bigger fan, who cares the least. You can't even cheer a team on without someone questioning how long you've been a fan or how many stats you can quote, but because they can, they feel superior to you?? (You wasn't with 'em when they was shooting in the gym!)

It'll even boil down to material things. "You fools still on dat ------, while I'm on dat -----. Get on my levle boi!"

OR you could get on my level, and learn to use your spell check. Please and thanks.

And celebrity deaths are the absolute worst. It's when every Plato and Socrates comes out of the woodwork with their own bits of "knowledge." On the heels of the deaths of some of the most legendary and iconic figures in black entertainment history, it's unfathomable to pass away and rest in peace. Instead, their memory is ripped to shreds by people who insist they saw their death coming from a mile away, and laugh in the face of those who mourn. Go and look at your newsfeed on the days that a prominent figure/celebrity passed away. You'll find photos with the celebrity on one side, starving African children on the other, and a message that reads "One dies, millions cry. Millions die, no one cries."

Hol' up, hol' up, whoa dere.

You're telling me that because I wrote a "R.I.P. Whitney" tweet that I don't care about children in Africa? That's the correlation we're making here?

I get it. The purpose of such a photo is to bring to light that the deaths of famous people get more attention than larger, critical issues happening in the world. But to openly accuse people of being heartless and ignorant because they express grief for the death of another human being is ridiculous. How is it that you are any more compassionate than them? What are you doing to help those millions of starving African children that you so willingly exploited on your timeline?

Point is, if you are anomaly, if you are open-minded, if you see the world in a way that's different from others - you don't need to prove it. People will acknowledge it, accept it, maybe even challenge it at times, but in the end, you are still are you. That is not to say you should be silent and not speak up about things you don't agree with, but you should be able to discuss certain topics/matters without going to the extreme of trying to making yourself look good and someone else bad.

And I’m done.

*steps down from soapbox* Dang it, I did it again…