The list of cities I've visited continues to get longer. It's perfectly fitting seeing that I AM paying for a degree that's dedicated to cities. -_____- In March, I went to THEE Magic City (no, not the strip club.) MIIIIIIIAAAAMMMIII!!!!!! I landed in West Palm Beach and stayed with my soror Mercedes for a night. The first evening, we met up with another soror and her husband (Naki and Phil of course), and had some finger foods at a bar on South Beach. I didn't get to do too much sightseeing that day, but it didn't matter. I was just ecstatic to see a palm tree again! The next morning, my perZ Theresa arrived and we headed to South Beach to stay with Cedes' friend in her condominium. Can you say b-a-l-l-i-n-g? In any case, whenever Cedes, Theresa, and I get together, it spells trouble. Not even on some "drunk, trashy" ish. We just know how to have fun! Needless to say, it was V.I.P. at every club, tons of sun, shopping, eating, and mingling. Liv was the best club btw. It looked like an actual Miami club (whatever that means) whereas the other places looked like Kingdom or Elysium in Detroit. The men were "eh." They seemed to be the epitome of Miami men. The white men were overtanned, TOO buff, and seemed to walk around in a permanent G.I. Joe stance. The black men, well....they reminded of Detroit men. The only difference is the Pistons jersey was switched with a Heat jersey. And for Miami to be this place swarming with gorgeous women, they were "eh" too. No wait, the Dominican women were beautiful whereas the white women looked like collagen stuffed blow-up dolls. Yeah, I B.M.F'd in Miami (we finally see eye-to-eye Ross) but I've officially marked it as one of the best vacations ever. Side, sidenote- the Miami decor is just as tacky as it is in the movies. I mean, pastel pink and green (#vomit) buildings? Mannequins with double-E cups? Flamingos? I LOVED IT. *insert "Push It To The Limit* song here*

Just two weeks ago, I returned from the American Planning Conference in Boston, MA. Boston is a beautiful, historic city with lots of sightseeing and great food (did I mention no sales tax on clothing?????) I want to say I liked it more than Philly, BUT I have to cut Philly some slack. I went to Philly during the 40 days and 40 nights of rain, and it literally rained on my parade the whole time. Anyway, it was good to see a lot of the sites such as the Robert Gould Shaw monument, Ben Franklin and Paul Revere's grave, and, my personal fav, the first integrated church in America. It was also cool to go through Harvard and MIT's campus and see the college town of an Ivy League. Not to mention I visited my dear sandS Blake, and my AP who helped me get to Boston in the first place.

Now, I have to start planning for my upcoming A-T-L trip in 3 days! I have not washed clothes or packed. NOR am I completely done with school (take home stats final= #2012fail) but I'm close to being homefree. In three weeks, I'll be taking yet another trip and this time to Memphis because my school gave me a $1,500 grant to attend the Planners Network Conference at the University of Memphis. I can't wait to go and interact with planning students, planners, activists, and other planning professionals. Look out for that blog in the future.
Ta-ta. I'm going to attempt this stats homework seeing that my stats tutor is ignoring me right now. SMH....