I love saying that word. Even more, I love its meaning:
Merriam Webster def. 1. : the state of being homesick : homesickness
2. : a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition; also : something that evokes nostalgia
I don't know about homesickness, but I can relate to the wistful feeling and sentimental yearning. Last night, I turned on OnDemand and saw that the cartoon "Bobby's World' was a category. When I clicked to open an episode and listened to theme song, I instantly knew the tune of the song, AND remember each character’s name. While it may seem like nothing, you have to keep in mind that I haven't watched the show in almost 17 years.

My mom always said as a little girl, she would say, “Chrissy, I’m looking for blank. Have you seen it?” And after thinking for a moment, I would go, find it, and locate it back to her. In Bridge, I had my first lengthy paper in English 125, where we had to write about some of our fondest memories. Needless to say, it was the first A+ I received in college. I even had my teacher pull me aside, and with teary eyes, tell me what a wonderful paper it was, and she wanted to keep it for her records. I just looked at her and thought, “Geez, get a tissue lady. Your makeup is running.”
In any case, I may not have keenest eyesight (my friends can attest to that), the sharpest sense of smell (allergies has me congested about 364 days out the year), or the best immune system (WON’T GO THERE) but I pride myself on my memory. What’s your oldest memory?